Hi my butterflies….I have a question. Have you been thrown off your game? Tossed to the curb by something or someone? Felt like “that was it” “you were finished”? Why are we so fragile… we human beings? Well, I don’t know about ALL humans, but I know I am fragile, for as strong as I am. I […]
Read MoreWe Made The Cover! The story of Grammy® Week from this hometown girl and guitarist Rick Jannotti (2 parts of our band) has been published in print and in digital media!!! Read the full story here!
Read MoreHi everyone! I am so excited to blog! I headed to Long Island Wednesday night for a spur of the moment request to do a live performance and interview with the lovely Christina Spano of Village Connection Radio. It was a blast… and.. I got comfy with sharing a wee bit more of my story (which I find very hard […]
Read MoreWelcome My Butterflies! Spreading wings in 17′ I am Sharon Lia, the leader of our band and usually do most of the talking. LOL! Here I will post what’s happening, what’s going on and what’s ahead on behalf of my band… So, this is my first ever blog entry….I have wanted to blog forever!!! But today is […]
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